About Goodlife LA

Goodlife LA seeks to bring full body healing to its clients.

We blend western and eastern massage concepts, seeking to treat the whole person and restore proper body mechanics.

We discover the root cause of ailments to eliminate chronic pain, and teach our clients how to manage and maintain results.

We specialize in medical massage therapy, fascia therapy, and posture correction for those experiencing chronic pain due to athletics, injury, or cosmetic surgery.

Clients are exposed to targeted medical massage therapy and its benefits, resulting in; pain relief, posture correction, reduced stress, increased circulation, and so much more.

Goodlife LA has mastered massage techniques supported in medical principals in order to promote healthy lifestyle changes.

Our Services

  • Body Mechanics

    Body Mechanics

    Using a combination of posture correction, fascia therapy, massage therapy, and muscle training we bring your body into a parasympathetic state for overall wellness.

  • Massage Therapy

    Massage Therapy

    We use muscle and soft tissue manipulation to create relaxation, promote healing, relieve pain and alleviate stress.

  • Cupping


    Cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating circulation.

  • Graston


    Graston technique uses a stainless-steel instrument and massage to stretch and relax the muscle tissues.

Goodlife LA Office

Meet the Goodlife LA Team

  • Ron has been a Medical Massage and Stretch Therapist since 2005. He is also a personal trainer specializing in corrective exercise, and works to train clients in martial arts. In a previous life he managed a health and wellness facility.

  • Gil is a Medical Massage and Stretch Therapist. He holds a MA in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. In a previous life he worked as a director of an adult healthcare facility, serving people with intellectual disabilities.

  • Anthony is a Medical, Stretch, and Sports Massage Therapist. He has worked as a Physical Therapy aide. He is a former gymnastics coach and practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Client Testimonials


  • Massage has many benefits, including, but not limited to: Improved circulation, reduced blood pressure, pain and inflammation relief, increased flexibility/mobility, better sleep, improved sense of wellness through the release of endorphins.

    It’s been suggested that massage may aid in the treatment of depression and anxiety, and has also been shown to be effective therapy for multi-dimensional illnesses such as fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

  • Maintaining results is the ultimate goal for all our clients. After each session we will give you a variety of stretches and exercises to incorporate into your daily life. This is the biggest driving force for maintenance. When you incorporate our stretches and exercises into your daily routine, you will maintain your results. Coming consistently to your sessions, reducing stress, and staying hydrated will also help you with maintenance.

  • Fascia is the layers of connective tissue that cover and support our organs, muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Fascia plays a large role in your body’s overall health. To keep fascia healthy, it needs to be malleable and smooth. Modern life tends to tighten our fascia, keeping it dry, thick, and stuck. Regular massage therapy can work to return fascia to its healthy state.

  • The frequency of your sessions is contingent upon your specific needs. For clients with serious injuries or medical issues, more sessions will be necessary.

  • If you recently got into a car accident, you will need to have a doctor’s consultation, appropriate scans such as MRI/X-rays, and a doctor’s prescription before making an appointment with us.

  • Please fill out our online form to set up a phone call inquiry. Last minute appointments may be considered when feasible, and for an additional fee.

    Phone: 323-573-9319


  • Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so will result in a late cancellation fee being processed.